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Part-Time Lecturer in Society, Environment and Health Equity

Position overview

Position title: Lecturer
Salary range: $7,361 per course (pending final budget approval).
Anticipated start: September 23, 2024
Review timeline: June 28, 2024 until filled

Application Window

Open date: May 24, 2024

Most recent review date: Friday, Jun 28, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Applications received after this date will be reviewed by the search committee if the position has not yet been filled.

Final date: Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.

Position description


The Department of Society, Environment and Health Equity at the University of California, Riverside, invites applications for part-time lecturer positions for the Fall 2024, Winter 2025 and Spring 2025 quarters. Fall 2024 quarter begins September 23, 2024 and ends December 13, 2024. Winter 2024 quarter begins January 2, 2025 and ends March 21, 2025. Spring 2025 quarter begins March 26, 2025 and ends June 13, 2025.

Salary: $7,361 per course (pending final budget approval).

Candidates must possess an M.A. degree in a related field at the time of application, one year of teaching experience at the college level and a commitment to teaching excellence. A Ph.D. is a preferred qualification; candidates that have attained ABD status will also be considered.

Candidates should have scholarly expertise on topics related to the field of Environmental Studies and/or Global and Community Health. Priority will be given to candidates with a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching in the humanities, social sciences, and/or other disciplines or topics related to the courses listed below.

Course offerings are subject to availability of funding. Applications are welcome from persons qualified to teach one or more of the following courses:
Fall 2024
• SEHE 001: Environment, Society and Culture
• SEHE 105: Environmental Health and Social Justice
• SEHE 110: Environmental Health and Activism in Southern California
• SEHE/POSC 127: Global Environmental Politics
• SEHE 159: Special Topics in Environmental Studies (open topic)
• SEHE 189: Special Topics in Global and Community Health (open topic)
Winter 2025
• SEHE 001: Environment, Society and Culture
• SEHE 105: Environmental Health and Social Justice
• SEHE 110: Environmental Health and Activism in Southern California
• SEHE/POSC 127: Global Environmental Politics
• SEHE 159: Special Topics in Environmental Studies (open topic)
• SEHE 189: Special Topics in Global and Community Health (open topic)
Spring 2024
• SEHE 002: Health Equity and Health Justice
• SEHE 101: Community Research and Anti-Oppressive Methods
• SEHE 159: Special Topics in Environmental Studies (open topic)
• SEHE 189: Special Topics in Global and Community Health (open topic)

Full course description can be found below or at:

Faculty Contact: Ellen Reese -

Application Procedure:
Complete appplications must contain an updated CV, a cover letter that specifies your qualifications for the course and quarter(s) you are applying for, a sample syllabus for the course you wish to teach, Statement of Teaching, Statement of Contributions to Diversity, recent teaching evaluations taught at the college or university level, and 3 letters of reference that assess teaching ability. Materials should be uploaded using UCR’s on-line application system.

Review of applications will begin on June 28, 2024 and may continue until filled. To ensure full consideration, applications and supporting material should be received by June 28, 2024.

SEHE 002: Health Equity and Health Justice
Lecture, 3 hours; Discussion, 1 hour. Introduces theories and methodologies for the study of community health, global and local health inequities. Identifies health disparities trends, patterns and causes in the U.S. and globally, including historical, social and structural factors. Considers policies and interventions addressing health disparities, including community-engaged research.

SEHE 101: Community Research and Anti-Oppressive Methods
Lecture, 3 hours; Individual Study, 3 hours. Prerequisites: SEHE 001 or SEHE 002. Addresses research design, research ethics, data collection and management, and public engagement. Reviews and practices disciplinary methods (social science, ethnography, history, critical reading, Science and Technology Studies, statistical analysis, feminist and critical race theories, creative arts, storytelling, community-based and community-engaged research). Employs intersectional approaches to analyze power and inequities.

SEHE 105: Environmental Health and Social Justice
Lecture, 3 hours; activity 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): none. Interdisciplinary examination of the relationship between environmental health and social justice emphasizing gender, race, class, and globalization as analytical lenses. Topics include urban pollution, workplace exposure, industrial catastrophe, invisible environmental hazards, community activism, reproductive health, global capitalism, and new health challenges imposed by climate change. Cross-listed with GSST 171.

SEHE 110: Environmental Health and Activism in Southern California
Lecture, 3 hours; extra reading 2 hours; term paper 1 hour. Prerequisite(s): upper-division standing or consent of instructor. Interdisciplinary cross-examination of environmental challenges, social inequities, and human health consequences in the Southern California region. Topics include the logistics industry and air pollution, toxic dust and groundwater contamination from agriculture and military bases, history of oil refineries and waste facilities around marginalized communities, and disparate impacts of extreme heat.

SEHE/POSC 127: Global Environmental Politics
Lecture, 3 hours; field, 1 hour; individual study, 1 hour; written work, 1 hour. Prerequisite(s): POSC 020 or POSC 020H. Introduces the study and practice of global environmental politics. Explores major developments in the evolution of international environmental law and policy. Covers ozone depletion, acid rain, marine pollution and whaling, tropical deforestation, overpopulation, and the impact of environmental degradation. Credit is awarded for only one of POSC 127 or POSC 127S.

SEHE 159: Special Topics in Environmental Studies (open topic)
Lecture, 3 hours; extra reading, 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): upper-division standing or consent of instructor. Explores specific topics in Environmental Studies. Content of the course varies and is announced as the course is offered. Course is repeatable as content changes to a maximum of 8 units.

SEHE 189: Special Topics in Global and Community Health (open topic)
Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 1 hour. Selected topics addressing global and community health. Includes reading, research, and discussion.



Basic qualifications (required at time of application)

Candidates must posess an M.A. degree in a related field at the time of application, one year of teaching experience at the college level.

Preferred qualifications

A Ph.D. is a preferred qualification, but candidates that have attained ABD status will also be considered. Priority will be given to candidates with a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching in the humanities or social sciences

The University of California, Riverside is a world-class research university with an exceptionally diverse undergraduate student body. UCR is a member institution of the American Association of Universities (AAU) as well as the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Research Universities (HSRU). Its mission is explicitly linked to providing routes to educational success for underrepresented and first-generation college students. A commitment to this mission is a preferred qualification.

Application Requirements

Document requirements
  • Cover Letter - Provide a cover letter that specifies your qualifications for the course and quarter(s) you are applying for.

  • Sample Syllabus - A sample syllabus for the course you wish to teach.

  • Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

  • Statement of Teaching

  • Statement of Past and/or Planned Future Contributions to Advancing Diversity and Inclusive Excellence - In a “Statement of Past and/or Planned Future Contributions to Advancing Diversity and Inclusive Excellence”, we ask applicants to describe their past and/or potential future contributions to promoting a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment, which is a key requirement of the role of every faculty member and administrator at UCR. There are numerous ways to contribute, and a commitment to this part of our mission can be reflected through research, teaching, supervision, mentoring, community engagement, service, and any of the other varied activities that are a part of an academic career.

  • Teaching Evaluations - Recent teaching evaluations taught at the college or university level.

  • Letters of reference - 3 letters of reference that assess teaching ability.

  • Misc / Additional (Optional)

  • Misc / Additional (Optional)

  • Misc / Additional (Optional)

Reference requirements

Applicant will upload 3 letters of reference that assess teaching ability.

Apply link:

Help contact:

About UC Riverside

The University of California, Riverside is a world-class research university with an exceptionally diverse undergraduate student body. UCR is a member institution of the American Association of Universities (AAU) as well as the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Research Universities (HSRU). Its mission is explicitly linked to providing routes to educational success for underrepresented and first-generation college students. A commitment to this mission is a preferred qualification.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified candidates will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability or protected veteran status.

For the University of California’s Affirmative Action Policy please visit:

For the University of California’s Anti-Discrimination Policy, please visit:

As a University employee, you will be required to comply with all applicable University policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, as may be amended from time to time. Federal, State, or local government directives may impose additional requirements.

Job location

Riverside, CA